They say that the children are our future. I totally agree. And because children ARE our future, it's super important for us to take care of them. I'm a lucky mom. My daughter is happy and more important, healthy. Not all moms are as lucky as I am when it comes to that. They have children who are ill, facing dreaded diseases. Living through the fear that all moms have hidden deep in their hearts. As we enter the holiday season, I realize how incredibly grateful I am for my daughter, and for all of the children in my life. And it occurs to me that I need to do something to show that gratitude.
This is where Scrappers Give Thanks comes in. SGT is an annual scrapbooking community project that benefits a specific charitable group or organization. Founded by Jennifer Wilson, with support from Anna Aspnes, the first project resulted in over 650 handmade cards being delivered to Operation Write Home in 2009. In 2010, the focus of Scrappers Give Thanks is children in hospitals across the US and Canada. The goal? 2000 cards, giving joy, laughter, and inspiration to these children, and their families. I have set a goal for myself to design and submit 12 cards to this project. One for each child in my extended family.
If you would like to contribute to this wonderful cause, please click the Scrappers Give Thanks logo on the right side of this page. The link will take you to the Scrappers Give Thanks website, where you can find out about how to submit your card. Want to help even more? Spread the word. Blog about it. Put the badge on your website. Tweet about it, share it on Facebook. My biggest reason for being grateful? This beautiful girl right here.